Friday, 11 January 2013

Difference in UK Directory Listing and Submission

Some one today asked me why the listing in United Kingdom Directories are costly than submission work executed by you. The answer is simple
  • First there is difference in definition what is directory submission or what is directory listings
  • Directory listing guaranteed you the links in UK directory where as submission work only guarantee the website URL submission
  • In most of case directory links or listing is paid where as in most of case directory submission is free as it is submitted to free UK website directories or index
  • In UK directory links are guaranteed from United Kingdom directory submission service where as the same is not true in case of directory submission
  • Directory listing is always a manual work where as directory submissions can be automatic through some directory  submitting software
 Finally  you can try both for directory listing service and manual directory submission services from any reputed SEO submission agency worldwide. UK directory submitting work also include citation building services to directories of Britain or British or enlgish. Region covered by this are Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland 


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